Fixed an issue on Xbox One where the title could crash if a player was invited to a Two-Headed Giant lobby twice and then the host left the lobby.Fixed an issue on Xbox One where the game would soft lock when canceling a Two-Headed Giant game search.Fixed a soft lock issue on iOS where cycling through available mana when casting Ghoulsteed.Fixed a crash in the PC Steam version near the start of the opponent's turn in the fourth mission in the Chandra Origins campaign.Fixed an issue where the "Energize" quest didn't award the correct amount of progress for spells that give multiple energy counters.Fixed an error where Planeswalkers may display an incorrect loyalty value when going to the graveyard.Fixed an issue where cards exiled by Bomat Courier had visible expansion symbols when zoomed in on.Fixed an issue where Arlinn Kord would have an erroneous loyalty box when becoming a creature planeswalker.Fixed some issues with achievements related to Rank and Versus wins unlocking at the wrong increments.Fixed an issue where players were unable to play spells or activate abilities if they had a high number of energy counters.Localization fix for the rules text of Aether Meltdown in non-English languages.Fixed the issue where Aethertorch Renegade couldn't target Planeswalkers with its second activated ability.Fixed a crash issue with Boonweaver Giant.What Aether Revolt cards are underperforming/overperforming for you (or your opponents)?The full patch notes were posted on January 18: What decks would you like to build, but haven't had time to explore? What decks are you running into at your rank? What is your rank and what decks are you all playing? Here is my Kaladesh Guide for anyone who needs some ideas on deck strategies.

My Aether Revolt Guide will come soon, and I will try and update all my decklists in the guides, including the Starter Box ones, which received a few new cards this expansion. Less popular decks but still present in the meta include U/W Spirits, Bant Midrange, Mono Blue, U/B Mechanized Production, B/R Artifacts, U/R Spells, G/B/w Midrange, Temur Fog Mill.

In Rank 30+ games I'm meeting a lot of opponents playing U/B/r Artifacts, RDW, B/R Madness, and Superfriends (typically Bant or Abzan). Along the way I alternated between a few decks including RDW, B/R Madness Aggro, Grixis Control, Esper Control, and Mardu Control.