
Full wave bridge rectifier calculator
Full wave bridge rectifier calculator

full wave bridge rectifier calculator

Similarly, diodes D2 and D3 are reverse biased. The currents follow the path 1-2 and enter the load. Thus during the first half diodes, D4 and D1 are in forward biased. Now when the AC input is given, during the first half cycle, the upper part of the transformer becomes positive when compared to the lower half of the same. The load R load is connected to the remaining two points of the bridge. Whereas, the secondary of the transformer is diametrically connected to the two diametrically opposite points. The primary winding of the transformer is supplied with a sinusoidal supply.

full wave bridge rectifier calculator

The working of the full-wave rectifier is simple. All the four diodes are connected in the form of a diamond-shape to the transformer and the load as in the shown circuit diagram. Four diodes are used in the bridge rectifier.

Full wave bridge rectifier calculator